American hedonism closes its eyes to death, and has been
incapable of exorcising the destructive power of the moment
with a wisdom like that of the Epicureans of antiquity.

- Octavio Paz
Death is un-American, and an affront to every citizen's inalienable
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

- Arnold Toynbee
"As long as such self-serving hypocrisy
motivates America's response, Ukraine will
only sink further into needless bloodshed,
and that blood will be on America's head."
In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors,
since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors,
for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal
applies only upwards, not downwards.

― Bertrand Russell
Global Coke
Global Coke
"What those 'racists' are reflexively and rightly reacting
to is the soulless chill as the fire goes out beneath the
melting pot. Those who think America can thrive as a
'cultural mosaic' are worse than fools; they're Canadians."

Global Coke
Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe.
It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster,
in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe
have grown to appalling dimensions.

― Frantz Fanon
What the United States does best is understand itself.
What it does worst is understand others.

- Carlos Fuentes
Poor Mexico, so far from God
and so close to the United States.

- Porfirio Diaz
"Indeed, everything about the American southland was magical
and exotic to the young Canadian musicians, from the sights
and smells to the drawling manner of speech to, especially, the
central role that music played in people’s everyday lives."

America is a mistake, a giant mistake.
- Sigmund Freud
America is an adorable woman chewing tobacco.
- Auguste Bartholdi
"This is the tone of the China Century, a subtle
mix of Nazi/Soviet bravado and 'oriental'
cunning -- easily misunderstood, and
heard before, in a real enemy, by the West."

Coke and 'America the Beautiful'
Coke and 'America the Beautiful'
"And for the others who argued for English-only
patriotism, I note that there are more than
57 million Americans (about 20% of the nation)
whose first-language is not English...."

Coke and 'America the Beautiful'
"This is the behavior, and the fate, of paranoid
old-world tyrants like Hitler or Saddam, not liberal new-world democracies like America pretends to be."

America is the only nation in history which
miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to
degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.

- Georges Clemenceau
I found there a country with thirty-two religions and only one sauce.
- Charles–Maurice Talleyrand
A people who are still, as it were, but in the gristle,
and not yet hardened into the bone of manhood.

- Edmund Burke
America is the only country ever founded on the printed word.
- Marshall McLuhan
"The removal of racist sports nicknames (and mascots) seems outrageously belated
-- why, exactly, has this civil rights cause
taken so long to gain momentum?"

The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the
United States reactionaries use to scare people.
It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't.

- Mao Tse-tung
They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but
they kept only one; they promised to take our land, and they did.

- Red Cloud
In America sex is an obsession,
in other parts of the world it is a fact.

- Marlene Dietrich
I would rather have a nod from an American,
than a snuff-box from an emperor.

- Lord Byron
One day the United States discovered it was an empire.
But it didn’t know what an empire was.
It thought that an empire was merely the biggest of all corporations.

- Roberto Calasso
Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather
be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

- Alexis de Tocqueville
"No one, I thought, could watch those scenes, of young children slaughtered en masse, and so many parents grieving, without thinking that this, finally, would tip some kind of balance in the country."
If you are prepared to accept the consequences of your dreams
then you must still regard America today with the same naive
enthusiasm as the generations that discovered the New World.

- Jean Baudrillard
I am willing to love all mankind, except an American.
- Samuel Johnson
America, thou half brother of the world;
With something good and bad of every land.

- Philip Bailey
"What can be more powerful than disinformation in the Information Age?"
England and America are two countries separated by the same language.
- Sir Walter Besant
Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by
posterity because he was the last to discover America.

- James Joyce
Now, from America, empty indifferent things
are pouring across, sham things, dummy life.

- Rainer Maria Rilke
If the United States is to recover fortitude and lucidity,
it must recover itself, and to recover itself it must
recover the "others"- the outcasts of the Western world.
- Octavio Paz
The youth of America is their oldest tradition.
It has been going on now for three hundred years.

- Oscar Wilde
"America really is, for most Americans, all things considered, a good place to be, and all they really want is for everyone to enjoy the same privilege and pleasure."
When good Americans die they go to Paris;
when bad Americans die they go to America.

- Oscar Wilde
jobs drug dealer
jobs drug dealer
They're nothing more than traffickers; and as the smart traffickers'll tell you, you don't use the merchandise. They are just inoculating their kids with a tech-drug serum, to immunize them against the very merchandise that put the **** bowling alley in their basement.
jobs drug dealer
America is therefore the land of the future, where, in the ages that
lie before us, the burden of the World's History shall reveal itself.

- Georg Friedrich Hegel
America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room.
Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair.

- Arnold Toynbee
Americans always try to do the right thing after they've tried everything else.
- Winston Churchill
The thing that impresses me most about Americans
is the way parents obey their children.

- Edward, Duke of Windsor
Americans are apt to be unduly interested in discovering
what average opinion believes average opinion to be.

- John Maynard Keynes
Europe was created by history.
America was created by philosophy.

- Margaret Thatcher
America is God's crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of
Europe are melting and reforming!... The real American has not yet arrived.
He is only in the crucible, I tell you - he will be the fusion of all races.

- Israel Zangwill
American dreams are strongest in the hearts of those
who have seen America only in their dreams.

- Pico Iyer
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons.
- Ringo Starr
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer.
It has never yet melted.

― D.H. Lawrence
I have two conflicting visions of America.
One is a kind of dream landscape and the other is a kind of black comedy.

― Bono
The American mirror, said the voice, the sad American mirror
of wealth and poverty and constant useless metamorphosis,
the mirror that sails and whose sails are pain.

― Roberto Bolaño

May 2, 2024


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Author Topic: The Suppression of Americas Mental Health System

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The Suppression of Americas Mental Health System
on: December 8, 2015, 00:12

When it comes to America’s mental health system, Donald Trump is correct when he says that it is broken. It is underfunded with no coherent functioning network to provide actual help to those who need it; as a result, 10 times as many mentally ill individuals reside in jails and prisons than in state mental health hospitals (see for more details). The linked article claims that America has criminalized mental illness, and politicians play an important role in endorsing this image for mental health in society. Using the example of Donald Trump, his official website shows his official position on the ‘Broken Mental Health System’ and his belief that the tragic mass murders that have happened in America are a result of mental illness (see for more details). This is unfair to the mental health community for this paints a portrait of violence to the general public about those who need treatment. Mental health illnesses are already difficult for the American population to understand and accept, and to stigmatize them as the reasons for mass murders only isolates this community more. Trump is absolutely right that America does need to expand on treatment programs, for “most people with mental health problems aren’t violent, they just need help.” The limited funding and resources allocated for the mental health system are limited and America does need to fix this issue but Donald Trump is abusing this issue to push forward his views on gun control. And this isn’t the first time that mental health issues have been used as a scapegoat for mass shootings – a brief Internet search will show you that the most notable public attention surrounding mental health is politicians blaming mass shootings on the mentally ill rather than dealing with the issues of gun control. America is suppressing the mental health system because it would prefer to avoid critically examining its society and laws, rather than seeing that there is a fundamental problem with the way that both the government and citizens treat mental illness. In our American Literature class we discussed some of the works from Edgar Allen Poe; and if we’ve learnt anything, whatever is suppressed will eventually come to haunt you. America is suppressing their mental health system – it’s only a matter of time until the issue becomes so big that the American government and the citizens of America cannot ignore it.

Novice Their American
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Re: The Suppression of Americas Mental Health System
on: December 8, 2015, 18:13

I would say that the issue has already surpassed the level of which the U.S. can no longer ignore it. If Trump's words are to be taken seriously, and every incident of random gun violence is a direct result of mental illness, then there are too many incidents of mental illness gone wrong to ignore:
The number of U.S. citizens losing their lives to guns alone should get the ball rolling on either reforming gun laws or the mental health system. And yet, both of these issues are being uselessly pitted against each other in a bid to delay real progress.
Going from the Guardian article, it seems that compassion and rehabilitation is the order of the day, and will allow the reintegration of the previously incarcerated back into society instead of the system of criminalization and punishment, which releases the emotionally and mentally fragile back into the world to fend for themselves. Most of those incarcerated and also battling mental illness are not even in for being violent and are more likely in jail because of offences related to drugs. Yet, ignoring research and statistics, violence related to guns is still being brought into the discussion.
If these issues need to be joined, then they should result in change for the betterment of at least one of the problems they present.
While Americans are worried that their money is going towards actually helping their fellow citizens (oh no!) and their fundamental right to carry a gun as they please, lives are being largely ignored while the discussion continues.
The question remains, what will it take for the government to finally make a move in safeguarding their citizens' lives, or are the lives of the incarcerated and mentally ill just worth less in their eyes?

Novice Their American
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Re: The Suppression of Americas Mental Health System
on: March 30, 2016, 15:02

This is a really great topic to discuss, as mental health is a serious issue in America that most often than not is swept under the rug. This also seems to be an incident in which Trump is speaking some sort of truth. A politician that is more concerned with public perception probably wouldn't have used the term "sickos" (which is Trump's word to describe the mentally ill), and in fact, if a politician other than Trump had said this, it would be deemed a blunder. In an article from Policy.Mic, I have learned that only 38% of Americans actually get the necessary care that they need in order to combat the depression and mental illness that they suffer from. Thats a whopping 62% of Americans who are left in the dark, unsure of how they will ever overcome the disease. The previous comments highlight the possible effects of letting 62% of Americans suffer with their mental illness, with these effects coming in the form of gun violence, substance abuse and a plethora of other domestic problems. This leads me to ask a very important question; who is responsible for changing these statistics for the good of the mentally ill? Is it our government? our hospitals? or each other? (by putting in a greater effort to eliminate the stigma of the mentally ill who pursue treatment). The Policy.Mic article describes the "single best reason for [the mentally ill] not receiving services is 'Could Not Afford the Cost'". Insurance companies are under scrutiny for not being able to provide sufficient coverage for various mental health treatments, and I truly believe this is something our government has to change. It is in this sense that mental health reform, NOT gun reform, is the only way to solving America's growing mass shooting crisis. If Trump came to focus on this idea, and less so on his plans to divide nations with "walls", we may just be able to provide an answer to a problem that is so prevalent and dangerous in America today.

Novice Their American
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Re: The Suppression of Americas Mental Health System
on: March 30, 2016, 21:39

I think that Emily raises an interesting point by questioning whose responsibility it is to begin a mental health reform. Of course, the short answer is “everyone’s,” however, that answer raises the issues of how and to what degree.
I agree that addressing the stigma is a good place to start. I’m not sure if the “Bell Lets Talk campaign is a Canadian thing, but I think that it is very valuable in what is attempting to achieve on a societal level ( if you are unfamiliar). The “four pillars” they address are definitely a place to start, and certainly contrast referring to those who live with mental health issues as “sickos.” Personally, I feel eliminating the stigma is the first and hardest hurdle that would need to be achieved, and although Trump seems to be pioneering a movement toward better mental healthcare, he has so far taken one huge step in the wrong direction by propelling the stigma with such an insensitive remark.
Although I see the merit in addressing the financial aspect of mental healthcare, I feel that it is important to acknowledge that people may still be equally as inclined to avoid professional help if there remains a stigma.
I truthfully believe that there is no progress to be made until the stigma can begin to be addressed, whether Trump believes that this is where the money should go or not.

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