Frequently Asked Questions
What’s going on with the different avatars in the Forums?
In order to make it possible for all users to track, at a glance, the regional participation in forum discussions — a potentially very valuable heuristic tool — we ask that users select the Their America theater which, in their mind, they most speak from (in the manner of a parliamentarian speaking for his/her given region); there are seven options: the six theaters, along with a special category for Americans. On their profile page, users should identify themselves by region; the site administrator will then assign them the relevant avatar, which will be included under their name (or nickname) in their discussion posts. If you feel you have chosen the incorrect region, simply contact this site’s administrator and ask that it be changed.
How do I search for entries in the Archives?
There are three (completely independent) ways to search:
- Do a simple keyword search via the box at the top of the left sidebar on the Archives page.
- Use the Filter function to sort results. Tick a single theater box to filter results for that theater only, or tick a single content box to filter for that type of content alone. You can, of course, also tick a single theater box and a single content box in order to filter for a single type of content within a single theater (for instance, ticking the Europe and Fiction boxes would give you results for Fiction entries which come only from Europe). What you cannot do at present, alas, is tick multiple boxes in order to run more complex filtering (for instance, it is not possible to filter for Songs or Graphics from Africa or The Middle East). N.B. “Theaters (select one below)” and “Content (select one below)” are dummy boxes and should not be ticked (if you’d like to search within all the theaters or within all types of content, simply leave all the theater or content boxes blank. (We apologize for these limitations and hope to install a much better filter within the next few months.)
- Consult the Tags listed below the Filter on the left sidebar. Click on a tag to search for all material containing these tags (aka keywords or keyphrases).
Does Their America welcome new Project Members?
Yes! See ‘Contact’ page for more details.