American hedonism closes its eyes to death, and has been
incapable of exorcising the destructive power of the moment
with a wisdom like that of the Epicureans of antiquity.

- Octavio Paz
Death is un-American, and an affront to every citizen's inalienable
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

- Arnold Toynbee
"As long as such self-serving hypocrisy
motivates America's response, Ukraine will
only sink further into needless bloodshed,
and that blood will be on America's head."
In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors,
since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors,
for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal
applies only upwards, not downwards.

― Bertrand Russell
Global Coke
Global Coke
"What those 'racists' are reflexively and rightly reacting
to is the soulless chill as the fire goes out beneath the
melting pot. Those who think America can thrive as a
'cultural mosaic' are worse than fools; they're Canadians."

Global Coke
Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe.
It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster,
in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe
have grown to appalling dimensions.

― Frantz Fanon
What the United States does best is understand itself.
What it does worst is understand others.

- Carlos Fuentes
Poor Mexico, so far from God
and so close to the United States.

- Porfirio Diaz
"Indeed, everything about the American southland was magical
and exotic to the young Canadian musicians, from the sights
and smells to the drawling manner of speech to, especially, the
central role that music played in people’s everyday lives."

America is a mistake, a giant mistake.
- Sigmund Freud
America is an adorable woman chewing tobacco.
- Auguste Bartholdi
"This is the tone of the China Century, a subtle
mix of Nazi/Soviet bravado and 'oriental'
cunning -- easily misunderstood, and
heard before, in a real enemy, by the West."

Coke and 'America the Beautiful'
Coke and 'America the Beautiful'
"And for the others who argued for English-only
patriotism, I note that there are more than
57 million Americans (about 20% of the nation)
whose first-language is not English...."

Coke and 'America the Beautiful'
"This is the behavior, and the fate, of paranoid
old-world tyrants like Hitler or Saddam, not liberal new-world democracies like America pretends to be."

America is the only nation in history which
miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to
degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.

- Georges Clemenceau
I found there a country with thirty-two religions and only one sauce.
- Charles–Maurice Talleyrand
A people who are still, as it were, but in the gristle,
and not yet hardened into the bone of manhood.

- Edmund Burke
America is the only country ever founded on the printed word.
- Marshall McLuhan
"The removal of racist sports nicknames (and mascots) seems outrageously belated
-- why, exactly, has this civil rights cause
taken so long to gain momentum?"

The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the
United States reactionaries use to scare people.
It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't.

- Mao Tse-tung
They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but
they kept only one; they promised to take our land, and they did.

- Red Cloud
In America sex is an obsession,
in other parts of the world it is a fact.

- Marlene Dietrich
I would rather have a nod from an American,
than a snuff-box from an emperor.

- Lord Byron
One day the United States discovered it was an empire.
But it didn’t know what an empire was.
It thought that an empire was merely the biggest of all corporations.

- Roberto Calasso
Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather
be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

- Alexis de Tocqueville
"No one, I thought, could watch those scenes, of young children slaughtered en masse, and so many parents grieving, without thinking that this, finally, would tip some kind of balance in the country."
If you are prepared to accept the consequences of your dreams
then you must still regard America today with the same naive
enthusiasm as the generations that discovered the New World.

- Jean Baudrillard
I am willing to love all mankind, except an American.
- Samuel Johnson
America, thou half brother of the world;
With something good and bad of every land.

- Philip Bailey
"What can be more powerful than disinformation in the Information Age?"
England and America are two countries separated by the same language.
- Sir Walter Besant
Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by
posterity because he was the last to discover America.

- James Joyce
Now, from America, empty indifferent things
are pouring across, sham things, dummy life.

- Rainer Maria Rilke
If the United States is to recover fortitude and lucidity,
it must recover itself, and to recover itself it must
recover the "others"- the outcasts of the Western world.
- Octavio Paz
The youth of America is their oldest tradition.
It has been going on now for three hundred years.

- Oscar Wilde
"America really is, for most Americans, all things considered, a good place to be, and all they really want is for everyone to enjoy the same privilege and pleasure."
When good Americans die they go to Paris;
when bad Americans die they go to America.

- Oscar Wilde
jobs drug dealer
jobs drug dealer
They're nothing more than traffickers; and as the smart traffickers'll tell you, you don't use the merchandise. They are just inoculating their kids with a tech-drug serum, to immunize them against the very merchandise that put the **** bowling alley in their basement.
jobs drug dealer
America is therefore the land of the future, where, in the ages that
lie before us, the burden of the World's History shall reveal itself.

- Georg Friedrich Hegel
America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room.
Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair.

- Arnold Toynbee
Americans always try to do the right thing after they've tried everything else.
- Winston Churchill
The thing that impresses me most about Americans
is the way parents obey their children.

- Edward, Duke of Windsor
Americans are apt to be unduly interested in discovering
what average opinion believes average opinion to be.

- John Maynard Keynes
Europe was created by history.
America was created by philosophy.

- Margaret Thatcher
America is God's crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of
Europe are melting and reforming!... The real American has not yet arrived.
He is only in the crucible, I tell you - he will be the fusion of all races.

- Israel Zangwill
American dreams are strongest in the hearts of those
who have seen America only in their dreams.

- Pico Iyer
America: It's like Britain, only with buttons.
- Ringo Starr
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer.
It has never yet melted.

― D.H. Lawrence
I have two conflicting visions of America.
One is a kind of dream landscape and the other is a kind of black comedy.

― Bono
The American mirror, said the voice, the sad American mirror
of wealth and poverty and constant useless metamorphosis,
the mirror that sails and whose sails are pain.

― Roberto Bolaño

May 5, 2024


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Author Topic: "What the hell is Barack Obama`s presidency for?"

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"What the hell is Barack Obama`s presidency for?"
on: February 24, 2014, 12:53

from The Guardian

What the hell is Barack Obama's presidency for?

Barack Obama has now been in power for longer than Johnson was, and the question remains: "What the hell's his presidency for?" His second term has been characterised by a profound sense of drift in principle and policy. While posing as the ally of the immigrant he is deporting people at a faster clip than any of his predecessors; while claiming to be a supporter of labour he's championing trade deals that will undercut American jobs and wages. In December, even as he pursued one whistleblower, Edward Snowden and kept another, Chelsea Manning, incarcerated, he told the crowd at Nelson Mandela's funeral: "There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba's struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people."

If there was a plot, he's lost it. If there was a point, few can remember it. If he had a big idea, he shrank it. If there's a moral compass powerful enough to guide such contradictions to more consistent waters, it is in urgent need of being reset.

Given the barriers to democratic engagement and progressive change in America – gerrymandering, big money and Senate vetoes – we shouldalways be wary of expecting too much from a system designed to deliver precious little to the poor. We should also challenge the illusion that any individual can single-handedly produce progressive change in the absence of a mass movement that can both drive and sustain it. [...]

Veteran Their American
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: February 25, 2014, 06:07

Scoff at the shapeless thing flapping helplessly on the verge of the swamp, half-finned, half-legged. But all you can see is its tail.

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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: March 12, 2014, 17:16

Since I am new on these forums I was looking for what could be my first post about, untill i stepped on this thread. Barrack Obama's presidency. I can really say a lot about this, since I have lived through it and still am witnessing it. I remember the very beginnings, his candidacy, ellection, and all the fuss. Now we came even to see his second mandate. This whole thing has been intriguing from the very beginning, and by the end of it, we will look at it as nothing more than another 'failed' presidency. But to understand my standpoint better let me get back to the very beginings.
Back to the year 2008. At this point we are looking at the ending of G. Bush's presidency, 2 mandates full of war propaganda, racism and discrimination. The mainstream media has done their big share in all that. Overall USA, Bush and everything around it are somehow being presented in a bad light for the global population, something which clumsly went out of their hands and something they desperately want to fix. Don't get me wrong, at this stage, I was just as deluded as everybody else. I was waiting for this bad person's regime to be over and hoping for a new better person to step on his place and make the world better. In all that fog and confusion, an African - American appears, with suposedly a Muslim middle name. Never before had USA an African-American as a president, not even to mention the Muslim ties.
So this was it, I was thinking: " NEED to ellect this man just to prove the world that you are not a racist country as u have unintentionally demonstrated us in the last decade."
I think this is what the majority of people have thought. So, throughout the campaign, Obama gained more and more popularity, and at the end, the inevitable thing happened. He got eleceted! So many people were glad about it, so many people started to think the world is finally going to be a better place for us to live in. But soon everybody realized nothing has actually changed. Even by the end of his first mandate people knew he was nothing as he was supposed to be, but let us not be kidding, anybody else would not be anything better. The US president is nothing more than just a figure you can point your finger at, and attach epithets to for the governments actions. Nothing else than that.
So, getting back to the point, what is Barack Obama's presidency for? Obama's presidency is there for no reason, it is just the product of the US presidental policy. He was used back in 2008 to give people new hope for a better world and to lower the stereotypes of America being a racist country. But in fact, he is nothing more than just a puppet, as people like to call him, for the real ruling agenda which is behind all this: Corporations.

Evan S
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: April 14, 2014, 23:09

I don't know about any shapeless thing flapping around on the shore, but I do think that Obama has done one very good thing, which is expand health care coverage for millions of Americans (saving thousands of lives and improving the quality of life for tens of thousands more). This isn't, of course, the "transformative change" that many people (naively) expected, but it's something important nonetheless. The problem with many critiques of Obama, I believe, is that they somehow expect him to have been a Messiah -- which, obviously, he cannot be -- and therefore aren't willing to credit the small but very significant victories (rather than Miracles) that he has brought about. McCain or Romney would not have done anything for the poor; Obama has, and should be recognized for it.

Veteran Their American
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: April 15, 2014, 03:43

Quote from Evan S on April 14, 2014, 23:09
(saving thousands of lives and improving the quality of life for tens of thousands more).

What wonderful news! I eagerly await your evidence for this.

Evan S
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: April 15, 2014, 12:24

We should maybe start a new thread for this ("Obamacare"), but here's a good article summarizing the good the Affordable Care Act is and will be doing for poor Americans...

Obamacare: It's Working!
Once left for dead, the president's signature legislation is hitting its goals. And it's changing the political calculus for November

For many Americans, Obamacare is synonymous with a buggy website. But consider that the president's health-care law has insured far more people outside the private insurance exchanges – upward of 10 million, beginning with 1 million children with pre-existing conditions who were covered with the law's 2010 passage, and 3 million young adults who have secured coverage on their parents' health plans. Obamacare never did get a public option, but a huge portion of its new enrollees are now on a publicly funded health plan: Medicaid. In the 26 states participating in its expansion, Medicaid now offers comprehensive coverage for anyone earning less than 138 percent of poverty income – $16,105 for individuals or $27,310 for a family of three. More than 4.5 million poor Americans have already gained coverage, and with no enrollment deadline that figure will only grow. Meanwhile, outreach efforts have also brought nearly 2 million very poor Americans out of the woodwork to sign up for Medicaid benefits for which they would already have been eligible.

Evan S
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: September 11, 2014, 18:52

I'll chime in again by saying that Obamacare is an indisputably great achievement for this presidency. However, I must confess that Obama doesn't sound much different than a Republican nowadays.

Evan S
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obamas presidency for?"
on: September 11, 2014, 18:53

And here's the full text, if intrigued...

Novice Their American
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obama`s presidency for?"
on: October 14, 2014, 12:38

It seems that Obama represented for America in 2008 what Justin Trudeau represents for Canada now: the idea of change. Obama had this fantastical campaign that offered the idea of something bigger & better that people wanted and needed. That is one of the reasons I think Trudeau is so popular in Canada at the moment. He is offering the people something young and fresh, as the public have grown tired with Harper's complete lack of concern for the environment, for example, and various other indiscretions. It seems that Trudeau offers the same thing that that Obama did: the idea and hope for change, but lacking a huge end result. Like someone stated above, Obama has, without a doubt, made change, but since it was not this huge change that people were hyped up about, everyone ends up disappointed. Again, this lead up and inevitable disappointment will be something that I think will be mirrored with Trudeau and his potential leadership should he come to power.

Novice Their American
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Re: "What the hell is Barack Obama`s presidency for?"
on: November 23, 2014, 15:41

I agree completely with the comment above, there is a definite connection between the hype that American's had for Obama, and the current hype that is surrounding Trudeau's campaign. With Obama during his election and Trudeau now we can see that the nations are demanding change, people were and still are sick of the same issues being ignored and feeling as though the country is not moving forward. People sought after this great change when Obama won the election, everyone was expecting amazing changes that would help solve the issues in America. Obama offered Americans the change that they were craving in their government system. That being said, he has made some major improvements to issues that needed to be addressed in America's society, but these changes were not on the level that many American believed they should be on. There is room for improvement in the way that Obama is handling his presidency, but the nation should not over look the small and significant changes that have been implemented on American Society because of Obama's presidency. The issues within America that the nation wants to improve will not be solved by one president or in one or two terms, it will be a slow process to get America to where it's citizens want to see it. It would be impossible for Obama to please the entire nation with all of his decisions. There are many different opinions within the country now that the hype of his presidency is gone and the realities of his work is setting in. With each new president people are entitled to have complaints and biases, but it is important to keep in mind that change takes time and Obama has started a movement of change, even if it is not on the level that many American's have hoped it would be on.

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